Source from China, Ship to Nepal

ShipNepal Tail Goods online 友谊桥尾货上线了


ShipNepal Tail Goods is an exclusive special offer for ShipNepal members.  In practice, when the tail goods you ordered being stored in,  ShipNepal will take its weight as 0.01kg, according to which the international freight and taxes can be neglected.   So the prices at ShipNepal Tail Goods are nearly all-in doorstep prices including all freights and taxes.  Be kindly noted that, as a member special offer, ShipNepal tail goods can only be applied for shipping with your other goods together. Take your chances if needed, don't blow it!

友谊桥尾货是友谊桥集运为会员提供的一项专属特别福利,限购限量,先购先得。在实际操作中,尾货产品在入库时,重量以0.01kg计重,这样一来,运费和税费几乎可以忽略不计,所以友谊桥尾货产品的价格相当于包邮包税后的全包价格。 请注意,作为一项会员专属福利,尾货产品采购之后不能单独申请发货,而是与您采购的其他非尾货产品一同申请发运。 如果尾货产品恰好是你所需要的,快快抢购吧!